Ontario Environmental & Safety Network Ltd.LEAD AWARENESS TRAINING – ONLINE COURSE
Lead Awareness Online Course Details
Price: $69.95 CDN Passing mark: 80%
Duration: approximately 35 minutes Certificate provided: Yes
Lead is one of the most common toxic elements found in industry and is a leading cause of workplace illness. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, despite improvements in public health policies and substantial reductions in blood lead levels (BLLs) in adults, lead exposure remains an important health problem worldwide. Nearly every construction trade has the opportunity for potential exposure to lead during “normal” construction tasks including carpenters, electricians, ironworkers, painters, plumbers, sheet metal workers among others.
Participants who successfully complete this online course should be able to:
- Recognize the hazards of lead in the workplace
- Identify how lead can enter the body
- Identify the health effects of lead overexposure
- Identify where lead is found
- Identify OSHA’s permissible exposure limit for lead
- Identify practices for limiting lead exposure
- Identify the purpose for monitoring airborne lead exposure
- Recognize the requirements for using PPE such as respirators and protective clothing
- Recognize housekeeping and hygiene practices that limit lead exposure
- Recognize the two components of the medical surveillance program
- Identify the purpose of the Medical Removal Program and its benefits
- Identify recordkeeping requirements
This course was designed to help satisfy requirements of the following U.S. regulations:
- OSHA Standards, 29 CFR 1910.1025, Lead
- OSHA Standards, 29 CFR 1910.1025, App B
- Subpart X, “Employee Information and Training,” Paragraph L
- Subpart Z, “Toxic and Hazardous Substances”
- Hazards of lead
- Effects of lead in the body
- Common sources of lead
- How to limit lead exposure
- Personal protective equipment
- Medical surveillance and the Medical Removal Program
LEAD AWARENESS COURSE ASSESSMENT: Testing is conducted throughout this online course and will reinforce the information presented. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Users are able to repeat the course twice if the pass mark is not achieved.
LEAD AWARENESS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available for download and printing.
Ontario Environmental & Safety Network
Delivering excellence in Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Consulting Services