Lead Consulting Services
Ontario Environmental & Safety Network Ltd.Lead Services
At OESN, we have the skills and experience to simplify your projects and/or concerns. Lead services include conducting building surveys, provision of lead abatement, repair specification, tender documents, provision of lead operations and maintenance programs. OESN can also provide lead abatement monitoring and inspection services to large scale lead coating removal projects on structural steel bridges, steel structures and marine vessels. Our field personnel are trained as per SSPC C3 and C5 Lead Based Paint Coatings Competent Person Training Programs.

Lead-Based Paint Surveys and Management Plans
In conducting lead-based paint surveys and management plans, OESN utilizes the current Federal and Provincial regulations as well as the United States Department of Commerce, Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD), protocols and standards with respect to interior lead-based paints.
The lead-based paint surveys determine the original age of the building and any additions, and consists of a visual assessment of painted surfaces to assess their condition. Sampling of paints can be performed through paint chip bulk sample analysis. OESN is also able to use an X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) to analyze coating surfaces for the existence of lead based paints. OESN will prepare a report detailing the visual assessment, any sample locations, the analytical data, floor plans, and an assessment with recommendations for management of the lead-based paints, through repair, encapsulation and/or removal.
OESN has extensive experience working on industrial de-leading projects like water storage tanks and shipping vessels. We are able to provide a plethora of services to help these projects go smoothly and to protect sensitive receptors and the environment from being adversley affected. Health and Safety plans, weather modelling, training and education, remedial action plans, ambient air monitoring, noise monitoring, soil sampling and functional report solutions are just some of the services we are able to provide.
OESN can prepare Lead Operations and Maintenance (O&M) programs that detail how to deal with the presence of lead-based paints in the building. The O&M programs may include employee lead awareness, health and safety issues, hygiene, medical surveillance, contractor notification, building management practices and lead-based paint removal.
Lead Analysis
OESN uses AIHA and CAEAL accredited laboratories that use state-of-the-art laboratory analysis to address your lead concerns. Our staff have completed all necessary training programs and are fully qualified to evaluate samples from your facility or home.
Engineering Services
- Specification Writing
- Specification Review
- Containment Design
- Project Management
- Field Inspection
- Disposal Monitoring
Environmental Compliance
- Lead paint identification
- Environmental compliance programs
- Baseline environmental testing
- Lead identification lab analysis
- Ambient air monitoring

Project Management
- Community Relations
- Permits
- Construction Management
- Bid Documentation Preparation
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Ontario Environmental & Safety Network
Delivering excellence in Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Consulting Services