Noise Evaluations
Ontario Environmental & Safety Network Ltd.Ontario has a new Noise Regulation
Ontario Regulation 381/15 came into effect on July 1, 2016 and replaced the noise protection requirements set out in the regulations for Industrial Establishments, Mines and Mining Plants, and Oil and Gas-Offshore. This regulation will help protect Ontario’s workers from noise-induced hearing loss, a leading cause of occupational disease for Ontario workers.
New workplaces covered by this regulation include:
- construction projects
- health care facilities
- schools
- farming operations
- fire services
- police services
- amusement parks
The noise regulation prescribes a maximum time-weighted exposure limit of 85 decibels over an 8-hour work shift and requires employers to:
- put in place measures to reduce workers’ exposure based on a “hierarchy of controls” (which could include engineering controls, work practices, personal protective equipment)
- provide adequate training and instruction on hearing protection devices, if provided to workers
Need to know if your employee noise exposure is in compliance with the regulation? Do you want to evaluate the current controls you have in place? Do you know if the hearing protection devices worn by your employees are providing appropriate protection for their noise exposure?
Give us a call to discuss your noise assessment needs!
Similar to respirator fit testing, the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System measures your unique level of protection with respect to hearing protectors. As part of your hearing conservation program, consider having employees fit tested for the style of ear plugs worn. Advantages include:
- both ears tested
- quantitative result – personal attenuation rating (PAR) given
- PAR can be subtracted directly from the A-weighted exposure (Lex,8) and takes the guesswork out of managing compliance
- great learning tool to ensure hearing protectors are properly donned
- certificate provided
- only takes 20 minutes per person
Contact our office to schedule your hearing protection validation 1-888-271-2111